Your story has no way of blessing others if you keep it all to yourself.
Ava believes that a book unpublished is a blessing missed.
She established the Get your Book out of your Gut coaching program to take people’s stories from the kitchen table into the hands and hearts of those people who need the message the most.
Ava will take you through how to write your bestseller from scratch and tell your story to the world.
Writing can change your life
Ava can generate bespoke speeches that will transform and inspire for events, business and communities.
Writing your story takes courage but it also opens up a world of opportunities. Since Ava wrote her story in her first book, Bamboo and Fern, she’s been invited to coach, speak and has gained a steady income from the books she’s written since.
Writing your story gives you personal satisfaction and can be an incredible emotional outlet, a place to process and move through your story to the other side.
Ava coaches on both a personal and a professional level, she will help you to see the incredible value in your story and give you the tools to get it out of your gut.
Ava also offers her popular Write a Book Course so if you’re interested in distance learning and getting your story down and done in a designated time, get in touch now!
Why write?
Whether you’ve been telling friends and family for years about your dream of writing and are now getting embarrassed when they ask if you’ve done it, or you want to promote yourself and try to earn some extra income, Ava can help. One-on-one coaching is the most effective way to really clarify what you want to say and the most effective way to do so. Ava will ask the right questions and provide the right answers!
If you’re reading this then it’s highly probable that you’re ready to start writing your book but just need that little push to get started, with some support and direction.
Lisa Nichols’ review of Pain to Purpose

In 2016 Ava gathered some of the writers she was coaching and compiled, The Journey To Purpose an anthology of truly inspiring stories. One of the world’s foremost motivational speakers and coaches, Lisa Nichols, has this to say about the book.
“Our human spirit is unbreakable…it’s unshakeable and it’s unavailable to our circumstance.
It’s unavailable to the challenges in our relationships. Our human spirit is unavailable to the challenges attached to our parents or our children, our human spirit is not focused on where we grew up or how we grew up or our financial conditions.
Our human spirit is simply waiting on a command that says – What is the next great thing that you want to do? Ava’s book from The Journey To Purpose exemplifies the power and the strength of our human spirit. She has eloquently compiled a collection of stories of unshakeable souls, unbeatable spirits and extraordinary individuals who remind us of our ability to rise above our no matter what our current situation and to move with grace and ease, or fighting, kicking and scratching whichever way we find necessary until our next best version of ourselves emerges.
Ava is a change agent and a game changer. Her life is a living, breathing example of what is possible when you decide to become resilient, determined and unstoppable.
This book is a great reminder that there are many other souls, brothers and sisters out there like you. That have had to come through something, climb over something, crawl under something or knock something down…to get to their next best version of themselves.
In these pages if you can be only reminded of one thing be reminded that you are not alone.”
You’ve come to the right place.
Ava’s Get your Book out of your Gut clients have been getting published and expanding their opportunities globally.

The Journey To Purpose: 17 stories of resilience, survival, perseverance, tenacity and drive - of people overcoming terrible pain and changing their mindsets to lift themselves from the ashes and inspire others.

Forgiveness’ is the story of a girl who grew up in a world of mental, emotional and physical abuse. This is a story of a spirited, determined woman who has survived life’s traumas against all the odds. Audreia Josephs, also known as Audrey, was born in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom and grew up in the Handsworth area of Birmingham. A battered child for more than ten years, her lack of education and of a belief in her own self-worth left her misunderstood throughout her school life. An absence of love and self-esteem in the midst of trauma manifested itself into a fearful young woman who was trying to find peace, love and comfort in all the wrong places, who was constantly told that she was not enough. With a journey through Black Britain in the 1960s and 1970s, Josephs shares the joys of growing up in Handsworth and the love the community offered her despite her own desperate times. This story will take you on a roller coaster of life, through tears, heartbreak, and defiant laughter. You will experience her setbacks, her trauma, and all of life’s drama, but ultimately, you will celebrate her triumphant, determined life and learn to believe in the power of love and self-acceptance once again.

This book is about stepping out of your shadow and commanding your confidence. It guides you though identifying your limited beliefs and fear and gives you the tools to empower yourself into action.

Nora was 15 years old when she wrote this book with Ava’s help. Nora had this to say about the experience: “I wasn’t sure where to go to get help with my book and then I met Ava at my local library. Her guidance gave me so much hope and confidence and within three months of having met her, my book was ready. Meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to my writing career. Today I am speaking as well as writing.”

Providing tools for objective self-analysis and examination of thought patterns, this provokes and challenges readers regarding their potential and possibilities through the story of the author’s own limitations and determination to escape them, combined with practical steps to help them create the tools they will need for their escape.
Inspiring and encouraging professionals to look beyond the limitations of their corporate cubicles, author Clara I. Rufai encourages readers to follow her blueprint to locate their personal Shine Factor, that personal brilliance only they can offer, and to engage their inner core and external resources in relocating to their Shine Zone, where shining is easy and effortless for them.

"She Caused The Lightning To Strike" Working with Ava has been so amazing when I came to her I was so unsure I could even publish a book.I was all over the place, but she has held my hand through each step of the way and even went beyond the call of duty. I would recommend working with her any day as she is very heart-centered and that helps when working on something as important as a book.