**Balance/ Harmony***
**Balance/ Harmony***
As a busy mompreneur who is juggling several business hats, I am always striving to get HARMONY in my life. We all are told to get the balance but I have come to realise that #Balance is a myth and #Harmony is what we truly seek. (Lisa Nichols)
All of us struggle at one time or another, with the juggling act of looking after children, working, wives, daughters, friends- being carers etc – there are so many balls that women of today keep in the air constantly. It’s never an easy game trust me I know it too well.
Below are 5 tips that work for me, I would love to hear what works for you.
1. – Get organised TODAY not tomorrow- write a list of my MUST do the next day.
2.Don’t worry if you drop the ball. I try to do the 20/80 rule-20 % of the task that yields me 80% results.
3. Power hours- if you work from home—I have a 2 hours slot when nothing comes in, I am focussed on that task, so no FB, etc. , No calls and in the zone.
4. Split your day up, this breaks the monotony …..
5. Wake up before the children – if you have kids.
Remember balance is a myth, harmony is a must.