Black History In Northern Ireland- A complex issue!

I landed on the shores of Northen Ireland and truly was taken aback when I was reminded that I was a black girl in some organsiations and people I encountered.
Alas!, for the first time in almost 20 years, I went about my time in Europe forgetting that I was a black girl.
You see living in South London, Croydon to be exact- my colour rarely was featured or an issue in all of my business or social life….
So you can appreciate my surprise when I came to NI and it was the first thing I was reminded of on so many occasions in such a short amount of time.
Truthfully, personally, I am such a proud black girl who is confident in who I am that I decided to literally cast that ideology behind me and shine my 100 watts personality, skills, and talents. So far I just do me- the black girl with her dreadlocks, strutting around NI.
That said, I am so thrilled to have connected to organsiations such as Acsoni and Queens University Diversity group. They have really helped to welcome me into the community and for the most part most persons haven’t been brave enough to say anything to me, yes they stare and I stare back….and in that stare wish they would even smile like I tend to do, or even come and get to know me. They would realise that I am bold, confident, beautiful inside out, but more so that I am human and my blood s red.
If they are lucky they would see that I can swing my hips, cook great food and love to inspire everyone I meet. But if they fail to extend themselves, then all I am left with is that Black is beautiful
I enjoyed this launch of black history month at #queensuniversitybelfastalumnioffice and #irisé ..
It focussed on the impact of the ethnic minority in university life and wider Northern Ireland.
Black is beautiful and black is strong. #diversitymatters #northernireland #titanic #belfastcity #blackhistory
I can’t wait for the 400-year project by Acsoni for more follow myself and Acsoni here:
Why not this October reach out and see what is on the other side and embrace someone from a different background as yourself.
I leave you with this:
Black Girls… Naturally resilient! We persevere, stand tall, and fight to the end. We don’t give up! We make moves and succeed. We’re go-getters by nature. We are stronger than most. We are unstoppable! Fearless and confident in our capabilities. WE are Black Girl Strong! #Incomparable”
― Stephanie Lahart