When my friend Darieth Chisolm said yes to doing the foreword for my book- we had no idea where our paths would go.
God saw it before we were connected. I am so glad that she did the foreword unreservedly and
Stop counting only what you can see, you have to see it before it comes visible and into fruition. Learn to change your frequency and watch the magic happen. Accept you are a vibration and that’s a hard
The Purposewalk Podcast has started and it’s going amazingly well. We have been interviewing thought leaders who have ben walking in their divine purpose.
The latest episode has my shero Lisa Nichols on -check out what she had to
#MYHEARTODAY #Standinginmytruth: it’s hard when you grind constantly, miss sleep, sacrifice, fail when no one sees, cry in silence, a single mother with no partner to hear your cries, rub your feet and tell you it will be
Hey! Ava Eagle Brown here!
As someone who grew up with very little family, the one I have matters hugely to me and the most IMPORTANT thing to me in the world…
… my family my kids, mother siblings
I am super excited to announce that Sonia Poleon and I have managed to secure Joseph McClendon as one of the speakers at #Urbanlife2016 and#TheMultiMillionaireMasterclass with Eric Thomas and other awesome speakers . If you
Making excuses in life to avoid making decisions is so easy – how do I know? I was the number ONE bombshell at
It is up to you to decide the value you place on yourself. No one else’s opinion of your value counts.
#Question :whose opinion of your value are you operating on?
Yours or others?
My journey has been nothing short of varied in joy, pain, struggles, and triumph.
As I look back at these books, chronicling just a bit of the life I have had so far, my heart is overwhelmed.
When you decide to share your story of succeeding against the odds … YOU ARE READY