Happy Monday! Welcome to this week’s message from me. The Eagle Factor.
It’s packed with content, ideas and suggested events all aimed at improving your personal development- here I give you nuggets that you can take away and
My journey has been nothing short of varied in joy, pain, struggles, and triumph.
As I look back at these books, chronicling just a bit of the life I have had so far, my heart is overwhelmed.
Do you want 2016 to be a much better year? One in which you stop chasing your dreams and start living them?
We think it’s about time.
A HEATHIER Clear steps to take
Ava Encouraging Nigerian Women to Get Involved In Governance & Leadership
Having grown up dirt poor myself, with a mother who has a minimum amount of education, I can speak to passionately about how education has changed my life. It’s the vehicle that made who I am today. I often look back and wish I had half of the resources...