Time to do some gardening
Happy Monday! Welcome to this week’s message from me. The Eagle Factor.
It’s packed with content, ideas and suggested events all aimed at improving your personal development- here I give you nuggets that you can take away and apply to your love, life or business!
This week: QUOTE – A thought provoking quote to mull over MASTERMIND- A chance to win FREE tickets to the premiere of The Mango Girl.
EVENTS– See Eric Thomas live for £35, it’s a no-brainer – www.ericthonalsondon.uk
EVENTS– See Eric Thomas live for £35, it’s a no-brainer – www.ericthonalsondon.uk

QUOTE: your success is dependent on what you put into YOU. Ava Eagle Brown
Copies of my first book where it all began, Bamboo &Fern to be given away at the Breakfast Mastermind on 27th August. Tickets at http://bit.ly/29HqjEe.
But get this there will be TWO FREE tickets given away on the day to see The Mango Girl . This will be on a first come first served basis, as a matter of fact, only five are left. If you want to meet me, have me sign your copy Free then get your early bird tickets today. If you have a copy, and it’s unsigned, please take it on the day. http://bit.ly/29HqjEe

This week I want each of you to reflect honestly upon the way you treat the people in your life and the number of positive relationships you have cultivated this week, month or year.
Consistent and sustainable progress is usually the result of creating several positive relationships, that enable personal growth and introduce you to new perspectives. Many of you are satisfied living in ordinary while extraordinary is empty. I use to be just like that until I realised that I need to shift a gear.
Many results have shown that this is because you have isolated yourself, or, you are surrounded by people who are not intending to grow and maximise their truest potential.
It is necessary to strip yourself of every unhealthy relationship before beginning the process of repairing or rebuilding your life. It is impossible to build up and tear down at the same time! – This is an absolute no-brainer. No one else is responsible for your growth, shifts, success or failure but YOU!
When was the last time you identified the areas in your life that are not producing the results you desire as a foundation for your future, your children’s legacy and the quality of you the life you want? I’m not going to sit here and lie to you.
Cutting some people off is going to hurt but, (you know, the ones you know since elementary school, the friends that were never real from the start) BUT, your success is entirely reliant on the people in your inner circle – I call them the ROOT people in your life.
In order for a tree to produce, the gardener has to routinely prune it; care has to be given to that trees regularly. Removing the dead and under-performing limbs and branches, causes the tree to grow and produce better than trees left to grow without a gardener.
Trees cannot grow while holding that dead weight. In the same way- for you to flourish you have to care and garden the people around you. It’s time to prune those around you that are holding you down. You need room to bloom! Get sweeping, cleaning and pruning.
Let’s stop making the excuses
Why not get your free consultation today and see how I can help you get your life or business sorted ?
Here is my diary for you to book in it.
Don’t forget to grab your Eric Thomas ticket for Urban Life 2016 at www.ericthomaslondon.uk
Why not get your free consultation today and see how I can help you get your life or business sorted ?
Here is my diary for you to book in it.
PS: I don’t want you to miss out on my special offers in my Facebook community so please join us at : https://www.facebook.com/groups/transformandempower/?fref=ts