Ten Things To Be Thankful For Lest We Forget
Ten Things To Be Thankful For Less We Forget!
1. We are alive.
We didn’t go to sleep hungry last night and we have eaten today.
2. We slept in warm homes despite it being freezing cold.
3. Our wardrobes offer us choices.
4. We live in a democratic country.
5. We all can point to someone who loves us.
6. We have clean running water.
7. We have access to medical care.
8. We have access to the Internet.
9. Yes we, You can read.
10. We are ALIVE and that’s hope to make it right start a new canvass.
Ava Brown is the Author of Bamboo & Fern. She has over 20 year’s industry experience in various fields to include Banking, Education, Retail Management, Telecommunications and Business Development. She is a Freelance Writer, Seminar Leader, Life Coach, Mentor and a Mother.
To engage Ava for any of her services please visit www.avabrown.org