Things To Avoid Wasting Any More Time
Things To Avoid Wasting Any More Time
1. Distractions that keep you from special moments with special people. .
2. Compulsive busyness.
3. Negative thinking about your current situation.
4. The needless drama around you.
5. The desire for everything you don’t have. –.
6. Comparing yourself to everyone else. –
7. Thinking about who you were or what you had in the past.
8. Worrying about the mistakes you’ve made. –.
9. Worrying about what everyone thinks and says about you.
10. Self-deception.
Ava Brown is the Author of Bamboo & Fern. She has over 20 year’s industry experience in various fields to include Banking, Education, Retail Management, Telecommunications and Business Development. She is a Freelance Writer, Seminar Leader, Life Coach, Mentor and a Mother.
To engage Ava for any of her services please visit