Want To Share My £600,000 Cheque?
Hi everyone who read my blog , I want to pause and thank you for doing just that ! You are appreciated and I am cognisant that without you his blog would be useless. as such I felt I want to let you into my world and see what its like. I am certain some elements are similar to yours while others may differ , regardless comma here.
Describe a typical day for you?
Ever since I started seriously editing my book after being featured in The Financial Times in March, life has taken a new norm. My days are much different and varied in many degrees.
I am the last one to get into bed and the very first one to be up buzzing around every morning. I work best when it quiet and being a mother of two children at different age range (one almost 17 and the other 3), its difficult meeting their individual needs coupled with my diary and routine.
Life has gotten a bit more hectic than normal and so I am trying to recall what normal felt like. No two days are the same, so it depends on what is on my agenda i.e. if I am working from home I am sometimes up as early as 5am (I get so much more done when my 3 year old is sleeping). I also believe the saying “early birds catch the first worms”. My creative side is best then and what I accomplish in two hours early in the morning would be harder after 9am.
The day generally stars with dropping my son off at nursery for 8am and either dash off to a meeting, a speaking engagement or settle back into my home office. Here I could do anything from a meeting on Skype, catch up on my much needed writing for any of my two books that I am currently working or developing products for my coaching , planning a workshop or speaking engagements. Of course, there is the domestics such as filling up the washer, dishwasher or dryer, cooking or any household chore we do as women. Admittedly, my days are hectic and filled with a lot to do. I don’t have a typical day, as it could change at any point so I am always flexible once I am in the country.
I don’t like the hassle of the city especially in peak times so I do try to have most meetings via Skype as I just save my energy and get more out of my day that way.
I do most of the cooking at home and try my best to always to have it balanced except for the regular Jamaican treats like, fried plantain ,curries, or fried dumplings with Ackee and Salt fish. We always try to eat as a family yet challenging but Sunday is a MUST. Mealtime is when we all really catch up as we all have different schedules. Here I get the real scoop of what’s going on in my teenager’s life at college, friends etc., my toddles shares his antics from nursery and we all just relax and share the love of how much we miss each other during the day. Of course we touch in during the week but Sundays are for offloading you could say.
I would love to be in bed by 11 pm but this is rarely achieved, evenings are when I answer my fan mail and yes I actually do , catch upon social media , my emails and plan if I don’t have webinar , meeting or caching session. My toddler is in bed by 8pm, my teenager is a bit more like most and it’s a struggle to get her off her Ipad or snap chat, but there is a rule of no TV in bedrooms at the moment.
I find listening to Afrobeat music very calming so it’s my new therapy at the moment and winter evening walks with my son , he loves going for late evening walks.
What do you feel are your biggest achievements?
Since the launch of my book, I have had a few, from being featured on Jamaicans most watched and prestigious TV show “Profile” to being featured in the Financial Times however, I have three great achievements that truly mean the world to me namely: being a mom, graduating with an MBA (considering my background), but also finishing my book and actually seeing it in people’s hands, on the shelves and thankfully the reviews it’s priceless. From the list, being mom and my book are my proudest achievement. My kids mean everything to me. They are the reason I work so hard, I want them to have a better life than I had.
What’s in your handbag?
I carry large handbags always, except on the occasions when I need an evening bag. As a mother there is always, wipes, my diary, my tablet, my book of course, sunshades, business cards and pencil case. There will be mints and my purse always has a cheque I have written to myself for £600,000 that I hope to cash in one day soon. Something I’ve practiced ever since I read the Secrets.
What are your ambitions in life?
Finding the right balance is a struggle. I am continuously searching for a better balance. I love my children unconditionally and strive to leave a better legacy for them than I was privilege to, sometimes finding a middle point is challenging. I’ve had a number of jobs, some I liked better than others, but I am totally fired up and excited about working for Ava Brown, all my passion is there. Ideally, I want everyone who comes into contact with my work be it my books, talks or workshops to be inspired and motivated to make their lives better. Understanding that the only person that can stand in their way is them. I also intend to have my own TV programme one day as I think there is a message that needs to be communicated to a wider audience through such a medium.
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
With a successful business and a household name, my daughter just finishing university and hopefully doing something she enjoys and my son in his last few years of primary education. I would love to have built with the help of some donors a safe home in Jamaica, for children who suffer sexual and other forms of abuse, like I did.
(If relevant) What advice would you give your pre baby self that you now know having had a child?
I have been an overprotective mum until recently, most of that came from my own experiences, so I wanted to protect my kids all the day every hour. It’s been a jolt , but I’ve realised that kids are more resilient than we give them credit for , just let them know how much you love them and be there to support and care for them at each stage of their journey .No two children’s journeys are the same.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in your field?
Start writing, get your ideas on paper regardless of how silly you may think it sounds, there is a story in all of us and you are the best person to tell it. There is an audience waiting to hear from you, but if it’s not written how will they hear your voice and understand your message?
Don’t be deflated if no one believes in your dream, the only supporter you need is you and don’t be afraid of criticism and rejection , just keep going the right link will be made at the correct time to believe , support and elevate you.
Finally, happiness is., not having to worry about the bills, being content and able to spend much more time with my kids, family and close friends. A home in Ireland on a farm with a brook where I can just write.
I am currently working on my new book “Dialogue With Ava Brown “ out Q1 2015, a combination of my blogs and quotes from Bamboo & Fern my first book , as well as the second part of my Biography “Indomitable Spirit” which is due out autumn 2015. I have just launched my coaching and mentoring programme and doing more speaking engagements which I thoroughly enjoy, as it’s feeding the mind with ideas to change its course of direction. My book is on WHSmith and Waterstones Websites in Europe as well as Amazon, North America Barnes & Nobles and autographed copies are at www.avabrow.org where my other services are outlined, my twitter @avabrown24 and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ava.brown.10048
Make contact t have a conversation , I have an open surgery.